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About Us

We provide bakers with innovative solutions to improve the quality and output of their baked products.


Finest Swiss formulated bakery ingredients and convenience products

SwissBake® is a brand of premium quality Swiss formulated bakery ingredients and convenience products.

Swiss Bake Ingredients Pvt. Ltd. (India) is the manufacturing and marketing arm of Trade ‘n Bake (Switzerland) and is currently handling the production and distribution of SwissBake® products across Asia & Middle East.

We focus on developing and innovating baking solutions that improve upon the overall product and offerings of our clients.

With a state of art research facility located in Switzerland and strong backward integration covering sourcing, warehousing and logistics; We are well positioned to fulfil the evolving needs and demands of the bakery industry and offer tailor-made bakery solutions with hi-quality ingredients to passionate bakers across the globe.


“To be a global leader in developing, producing and supplying bakery ingredients & convenience products.”


“To provide authentic, natural and healthy baking solutions and convenience products to bakers around the globe.”

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Over 40 years of experience in developing baking solutions for the global bakery industry.

Trade ‘n Bake (Switzerland) has a rich and varied experience of over 40 years in developing and customizing bakery solutions for clients across the globe.

Trade ‘n Bake team of experienced cereal scientists, food technologists and baking experts have spent years in researching and developing bakery products to suit the evolving needs of the bakery industry. Their technical expertise in recipe formulation has been pivotal in developing SwissBake® range of fine bakery ingredients.

Swiss Bake Ingredients Pvt. Ltd. the manufacturing partner of Trade ‘n Bake, is a part of RAS Group of companies. They represents a heritage of over 30 years in cereal milling and flour technology which is driven by close relationship with farmers and suppliers directly. RAS groups primary role is to manage and optimize the supply chain in order to efficiently produce and market SwissBake® products across Asia and Middle East


True to our Swiss heritage, we maintain highest quality standards through all stages of our business operations to ensure uncompromised service to our clients.

Providing high quality products is fundamental to our success. We have always recognized this and have therefore encouraged our employees to maintain a quality conscious culture.

We believe accreditation of raw material suppliers, following global production standards and efficient management systems are vital in order to deliver quality products consistently. Hence we have not only supported the development and application of improved practices but we also seek to be a leader in the utilization of such systems.

For us, customer satisfaction is of utmost importance and our experts are always available for guiding our clients whenever they are needed.


We are proud to be serving these reputed establishments globally.